Webmaster, Project leader
Russ Elton (USA)
Main focus rhythm and solo guitars. All PDF/PowerTab files. Text tab and musical sheet layout design.
Senior members
Rami Nuotio (Finland)
Main focus on transcribing solos and bass but also drums and other instruments. Previously contributed several midi files, now working on Guitar Pro 6 exclusively. Website designer.
Thomasz Lange (Poland)
Founder of the Tab Crypt and member of the original Tab Team (Lange-Elton-Ristiranta). Not active.
Mika Ristiranta (Finland)
Member of the original Tab Team (Lange-Elton-Ristiranta). Not active.
People who have contributed to our text tabs or whose work our tab is based on (in alphabetical order):
Adam Oettmeier, Alex Huerta, André da Silva Salvaterra, Andreas Rothèn, Ben Stembridge, Brian McKeen, Byxe, Craig Ferrari, Darren McLennan, Dave Zatuchney, Don Briggs, Dusk, Gabriel Hidalgo, GRAX, Guillaume Vallée, Henrik Lindholm, Jason Miniaci, Jordan Baker, Joshua Stevens, Justin, Laertes, Larry Johnson, Lasse Kulmala, LordDarkmoor, Marcel Weeterings, Matias Andujar, Mercyful Max, Michael Fassbender, Mikko Laakso, Mr. Trenchcoat, Noel Gambone, Paul Pekkarinen, Pawel Wiecek, Ralf Sesseler, Sami Mononen, Sarah Z., Sekhemet, Serkan Gunturk, Stefanos Danakos, Steve Begin
People who have contributed to our Guitar Pro project:
Andrew Wilkinson for the Puppet Master drum tracks on the Puppet Master album
WE THANK YOU ALL! Very special thanks to Jordan Baker who has helped us with several difficult transcribing issues.